Monday, 3 December 2012

oracle dba job nature

What is Oracle DBA Job Searching?
oracle dba jobs
I seen people are trying to get quick Oracle DBA easily and for grabbing job they are trying to so many things. Including those things is done which don’t benefited and useless.
Fresher Oracle DBA applies to opening which clearly mentioned for experienced person.
Fresher Oracle DBA tries to apply to those recruiters who are not providing chances to fresher.
They are trying to call directly to company for getting job.
Above things is useless and all efforts are becoming waste. Fresher never tries to look into their own resume and doesn’t check what is missing in resume that recruiter doesn’t shortlist him or her. They never try to sharp own knowledge bank or get deep in to skill knowledge. This thing is resulting failure in technical interview or HR interview.
I seen lots of people are not getting success to get job as fresher due to above reasons only. They don’t have proper guidance and training institute is also not providing proper advice to them (may be training institute or faculty doesn’t have proper knowledge of this).
Now we can look in to intermediate and expert DBA job. Every intermediate DBA and experienced DBA has some constraint for new job like salary hike, job location, designation, duty hours. Off course, after getting some experience and if you would not get any good appraisal then you should need to change job. But about duty hours or rotation duty or night duty it is not suitable for experienced DBA. Job location is also one of suitable reason sometimes. There are so many other reasons or factors affecting for changing the job. Some good persons improve their skills during the duty or off hours of duty but some persons are not. Due to lack of knowledge of domain standard or new job requirement they are being failed in technical interviews.
I took so many interviews including technical and HR interviews in my career and I seen so many certified DBA doesn’t have good depth knowledge of basic architecture of Oracle and RDBMS. Those are including fresher, intermediate, and experienced.
Proper guidance and advice is needed to fresher DBA and proper domain expertise knowledge is needed to intermediate and experienced DBA to get successful job search.
Next time, we will discuss about reason of failure to get job for Oracle DBA.

Will You Become The President Of Your Company?

May 19, 2012
The dream is to become CEO of your organization? Even if you are a first step, and employs more than 100,000 employees? Do you think that perhaps one day to be president of the organization is? It’s just a dream, do you have a chance? Why not do and do it now?
You know the President of responsibility? We will discuss and quiz your knowledge on the subject.
  1. To handle the organization
  2. Coordinate with all departments
  3. Decision on the objectives
  4. Preparation and approval of the strategy to achieve the objectives
  5. Preparation for the future of this organization
  6. Maximize human resources
  7. In order to improve performance. Reduce costs and increase profits
  8. Plan new product
  9. Prepare for competition
  10. Keep investors happy
  11. Manage by anticipating the problems
  12. knows that all legal requirements
  13. Maximum utilize of man power and creates creativity.
These are some of the tasks of a President of company. If you want to become the president of your business company later on think about all these features and get prepared yourself spiritually and obtain understanding to get the goals. Thinking is excellent. When tangible activities that is better and only then one assistance the ambitions can recognize the ambitions.
If you check above responsibilities and tasks of president, which are including as manager level tasks and team tasks too. If you are working as manager post or team leader post then so many of above tasks are being performed by you. Now you can imagine why I am offering dream of top level? Because you have abilities to be TOP of company.
Off course database services and Oracle DBA interview Questions are different thing if you are still struggling for getting job from market or work as junior DBA.

Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth

Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth
The meaning of the proverb is apparent. If too many cooks are employed in the preparation of a soup it is quite likely that the soup will be spoilt. The reason of this is not far to seek. Every cook has his characteristic method of cooking a particular thing. So, if too many cooks combine together to prepare a special article of food, it is only natural that each will try to have it cooked in his own way with the idea that his method will yield the best results. As a result, only confusion will ensue and the product will be a hotch-potch, “neither fish nor flesh”, for in the preparation, all the cooks will have applied their respective formula.
As with cooking, so it is with the daily affairs of our life. Everything must be done in an orderly and systematic way. There is a regular system, a definite principle of doing all things, even if they are insignificant. This system has to be followed strictly if success is desired. It must not be supposed that a thing can be more efficiently done only by employing more than the required number of hands for the purpose. In our anxiety to see something executed in a flawless manner, we are often tempted to fall into his error. We soon find, however, that there is disorder and chaos. Instead of the finished thing that we expected to obtain, the product is something considerably below our expectations.
Take for instance, the construction of a building. If the building operations are directed and controlled by one efficient engineer, quite satisfactory results may be anticipated. But if more than one such engineer is employed to superintend the construction of one and the same building in the belief that better results will be obtained, the result will be otherwise. A part of the construction carried out under the direction of one engineer may not be to the liking of another. He might order the part already constructed to be pulled down and the work started afresh. This means UN-necessary expense and delay.
The proverb implies that the execution of one and the same thing should not be entrusted to too many persons. The nature of the thing to be done should be correctly gauged, the requisite number of persons for doing the thing smoothly should be estimated by the application of common sense and a definite duty imposed upon each. This will prevent overlapping and there will be no interference by one in the sphere of another so that a smooth working will be ensured. In the case of example cited above, the construction should be allotted to each. By this means, disorder and loss of time and money will be prevented and the whole thing will proceed in a regular and systematic manner.
Moral of story is that, for tuning of database if more than one senior Oracle DBAs available then more possibility to not get any good result of tuning database. Every senior database administrator will apply their own logic and ideas. Too many Sr. DBAs means too many ideas and numbers of logic. This thing can be harmful to root cause analysis and not able to achieve goal of tuning properly. During database services, this thing is most important to take care for getting better result for database for any practical scenario.
Too many interview questions on different online website with different reply and answers can be one of reason to failure in technical interview of Oracle DBA even though you have good understanding and basics. Due to this reason, I written a book with all interview questions in single resource with proper answers. Fourth edition of Oracle DBA Interview Questions book published by
Wish you all the best.

Fresher Oracle DBA Jobs

October 14, 2011
Hi Friends,
After publishing article of fresher Oracle DBA jobs, I got so many mails for same. I only wrote true facts of fresher Oracle DBA jobs. There are too many fresher struggling to get job nowadays. But still no consultant or company is making policy to offer job to fresher Oracle DBA. It is really very sad situation.
I published one another article, regarding why Oracle DBA are making fake experience. I tried to point out this problem of fresher Oracle DBA doesn’t get job and due to this reason only, people are showing forged experience in resume. But still situation is same. In our company Dbametrix, we always prefer fresher Oracle DBA. Unfortunately we are getting so many resumes daily for same and we are not able to provide opening for everyone.
Around 70% resumes are absolutely not impressive, which we are getting from fresher Oracle DBA. I am sorry to say that people hasn’t try to make good resume. Before this article, I informed that resume is the mirror of candidate’s skill, nature, communication and interest. But unfortunately, we found 70-80% resumes are creating any impression to any of company or consultant. Then how can you get job?
Another shocking point is that, too many fresher doesn’t having any sense of communication. I am providing examples of their email to our HR department are following.
i am b.e. i.t. and i complete sql expert oracle certified and my oca / ocp is running . and i want job in dba ps reply me
oracle dba opportunities 1 year please send me details
am XXXX..Having 1 year exp as a trainer..Now am looking jobs in software companies…so pl give the walkin info to my mail id. thank u..
i have attached my cv plz inform me if cv is suitable for u r requirement i am waiting u r reply
pls help me to get job as fresher oracle dba.
Above all examples are showing candidate’s communication skill. It is looking like chatting with friends not professional approach with any HR department or any company. Is this way to send your resumes to HR department of any company? And you are expecting job in company?
So many mails are getting without any covering letter with resume attachment.
I think first need to learn communication skill and learn how to approach to any HR department of company.
Still we are providing some level of job assistance or guidance in our Oracle DBA Forums. Anyone can get guidance from this forum.